Clutter. Who doesn't have it, hate it, and wish they had less of it? Me, for one. My battle with clutter has lasted a lifetime - sometimes I'm on top of the heap, and other times, I'm buried hopelessly beneath it.
This time of year makes me want to get rid of clutter in the worst way. So, I've made a new resolution. Every time I trek (well, technically, each time I drive) into town, I'll be bringing a bag of clutter with me. Once I donate it to a thrift store, it is magically transformed into somebody else's clutter. I don't have to look at it, think about it, or wonder where it came from and why it is looking at me.
How did I end up in this mess? I kept on acquiring more and more things, until they took over my space and my life. Who needs two coffeepots? Not me! For some reason though, I bought a boring white Mr. Coffee at a garage sale. It was sorta new, and was still in the original box. I thought, "Hey, I could use a spare coffeepot! What if my brand new Krups kicks the bucket one day?" Now the spare coffeepot is buried deep within the garage, waiting to be sold at the garage sale I'll have once the snow melts. The Krups, meanwhile, is happily gurgling on the countertop.
Do you need more space to think? Yes! Yes, you do! Listen - here's why you need to get rid of all the junk you have accumulated over the years. When you have stuff piled everywhere, it makes you think about things other than what you need to be focusing on. Instead of coming up with something witty for an ad campaign, you're thinking, "gosh, my house is a wreck!" I could go on, ad nauseum - but I've got to get a bag of clothes together for the thrift store, and, oh yeah - I need to do some work instead of thinking about clutter. Til' next time....
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